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{| align="center" border="1px" style="border:1px dashed; cellpadding:5; cellspacing:0;"
|+ align="center" | '''The Contributors'''
| [[File:kemps.jpg|150px|link=|]]
| [[File:kemps.jpg|150px|link=|]]
| [[File:kemps.jpg|150px|link=|]]
| [[File:kemps.jpg|150px|link=|]]
| [[File:kemps.jpg|150px|link=|]]
|- align="center"
| [[SCU_WIKI:Contributors#Mike Sackett | Mike Sackett]]
| [[SCU_WIKI:Contributors#Paul Wanlass | Paul Wanlass]]
| [[SCU_WIKI:Contributors#Thomas Bodette | Thomas Bodette]]
| [[SCU_WIKI:Contributors#Felix Lee | Felix Lee]]
| [[SCU_WIKI:Contributors#David Sikorski | David Sikorski]]
{| align="center" border="1px" style="border:1px dashed; cellpadding:5; cellspacing:0;"
Welcome to the Clinical Education Resources site (also known as the SCU WIKI site).
|+ align="center" | '''The Contributors'''
| [[File:kemps.jpg|150px|link=|]]
|- align="center"
The site is organized by body region and then by the type of procedure. The site is also searchable using the text box on the home page. Dr. Paul Wanlass started working on the content in 2007 and created the site from 2011-2013. Updates and new additions have been added from 2013 - current day. There are now 1,291 content pages and 2,887 total pages as of 2/9/2024. The pages included descriptions, video, and pictures of procedures taught in the IPA, IPES, CONA, FRS, SCP, PTM, and CP1-CP7 courses in the Doctor of Chiropractic program. This is a living site and we continue to add new material. Please use this site as a supplemental resource. In your practical exams you will be tested on what is demonstrated in class and in your lab manuals. There may be slight differences in the way procedures were shown at the time of filming compared to how you learn a procedure in lab now. This is due in part to the normal curriculum revision process over time. As we update the site this will improve.
| [[SCU_WIKI:Contributors#Beth Dominicis | Beth Dominicis]]
Wanlass, P., & Hutton, R. (2022). DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AN ON-DEMAND WIKI SITE FOR TEACHING AT A CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Journal of Contemporary Chiropractic, 5(1), 145–149. Retrieved from https://jcc.scholasticahq.com/article/78037
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Latest revision as of 20:49, 9 February 2024

Welcome to the Clinical Education Resources site (also known as the SCU WIKI site).

The site is organized by body region and then by the type of procedure. The site is also searchable using the text box on the home page. Dr. Paul Wanlass started working on the content in 2007 and created the site from 2011-2013. Updates and new additions have been added from 2013 - current day. There are now 1,291 content pages and 2,887 total pages as of 2/9/2024. The pages included descriptions, video, and pictures of procedures taught in the IPA, IPES, CONA, FRS, SCP, PTM, and CP1-CP7 courses in the Doctor of Chiropractic program. This is a living site and we continue to add new material. Please use this site as a supplemental resource. In your practical exams you will be tested on what is demonstrated in class and in your lab manuals. There may be slight differences in the way procedures were shown at the time of filming compared to how you learn a procedure in lab now. This is due in part to the normal curriculum revision process over time. As we update the site this will improve.

Wanlass, P., & Hutton, R. (2022). DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AN ON-DEMAND WIKI SITE FOR TEACHING AT A CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Journal of Contemporary Chiropractic, 5(1), 145–149. Retrieved from https://jcc.scholasticahq.com/article/78037